We specialize in the management of gulet charters and act as a central agency in Turkey with direct contacts in Croatia and Greece. If you own a gulet yacht and you want to make money from it, contact us!

If you own a gulet yacht and are considering chartering it, you will find professional support at CEF Yachting. We are at your side for all administrative and legal procedures - we only work with the partners who can guarantee us the best support.

CEF Yachting has platforms where we advertise your gulet yacht. Our strong bases are in Turkey, Croatia and Greece. We have a large portfolio of customers and our memberships in various yacht organizations guarantee a professional and secure handling of all our business.Together with you as the owner, we discuss the expectations and accordingly create a strategy to achieve more rental days.

We will personally shape your expectations according to your needs, striving for a win-win strategy.

Maintaining the value of a gulet yacht can only be guaranteed with trust and transparency.