Cef Yachting is also active in yacht building and design. Designing and building a gulet (motor sailer) is the ultimate dream of many aspiring yacht owners. With our professional team, we offer everything you need for a new build. They will expertly guide you through every phase of the building process until you get your dream yacht.

Wood is the material for a classic gulet, not only because it is traditional, but also because it is durable, strong and simply beautiful. It's great to make a living from, it feels solid and safe. Most owners will tell you that no other material can beat the feel of a wooden boat. These are certainly romantic reasons, but there are very good and practical reasons for choosing wood as the hull material; the wood has high tensile strength, is durable, machinable and combines stiffness with light weight in a more structurally efficient way than almost any other material, including high-tech laminates.

With the right type of wood and the right care, a long service life is guaranteed. This is because wood is able to absorb and release water, so a wooden boat actually contains less condensation and moisture than a fiberglass boat. In addition, thanks to today's technology, wooden boats require less maintenance than before.

A longer lifespan is just one of the reasons that make a well-built wooden boat a greener choice. A well-maintained wooden boat will last for many decades. The shipyards in Turkey import some of the best hardwoods in the world; such as teak, ebony, mahogany or iroko, and these are among the exceptionally longest-lasting types of hardwood in the world. Another wood that is used in construction is Burmese teak. Undoubtedly the most valuable and versatile hardwood in the world, it has properties that make it the only wood ideally suited for building the wooden deck of a boat.

Our clients simply trust us because they have been dealing with our organization for years and we always do our best to make your luxury yacht dreams come true.